sús & Kristin Wichstrøm present Entre: exploring materiality and hybrid universes through collaborative conceptual development


Will be announced later
sús, Kristin Wichstrøm
Entre is a project that investigates alternative narratives to our material world, moving through the idea of the in-between – a concept that is explored through working with techniques of blending the virtual and physical.  For this workshop, we will explore working with conceptual creation in a collaborative format and translating meaning and matter across disciplines. Participants will have the opportunity to design and construct small material environments, then capture and transform these creations into a digital universe. The workshop works with various 3D scanning techniques (such as gaussian splatting), TouchDesigner and Ableton. However, the participant is encouraged to explore this topic in their preferred audio and visual software (as long as it can handle 3D).

The workshop is developed and hosted by Kristin Wichstrøm and sús. Kristin Wichstrøm is a Copenhagen-based multidisciplinary artist working at the intersection between lighting design, video and scenography. Her practice is based on shaping environments that lead to exploration. She often bridges different mediums: working with light, space and computational image-making. Sús is a Portuguese cross-media artist based in Copenhagen. Her practice is of poetic essence, rooted in folk traditions, explorative grounds and the journey to its frontiers. Having sound as her main medium, sús works among experimental-driven processes with an emphasis in world building, communication, care and the senses. Her work is presented mainly in performative and installative settings.