julesvisuaalinen presents Become a live coding VJ in an hour!


Will be announced later
Julius Uusinarkaus
Learn the basics of live coding visuals in p5.js, a language made to make coding more accessible to artists. No coding experience needed (but it sure helps). We'll see how basic shapes and movement is created, and you'll create something cool by the end of the workshop! Bring your laptop.

julesvisuaalinen is a Helsinki-based VJ that live-codes audio-generative visuals in real time to create the perfect synergy between visuals and live music. Working as a software engineer by day, live-coding visuals is a sort of "extreme coding" exercise requiring intense presence and precision. Focusing on simple geometric shapes and colors, he uses a variety of signals and inputs to turn raw audio into visuals, expanding the live-musical experience into a full audio-visual adventure. Lonely in his craft, julesvisuaalinen aches for more live coders!