Kurbas Production presents Monstera

Projection Mapping

Helsinki City Museum
Our points of interconnection appear today as things that jeopardize our existence and well-being. Sometimes these are "points" of the climate, or a virus, mental health, or a greedy neighbor.The concept of "monster" in our life is broad. These can be external (war, natural disasters), or internal fears or traumas.Sometimes we save ourselves by running away from them, and sometimes we have no choice but to take a step forward and overcome them.Life with monsters is a constant struggle and evolution.

Kurbas Pro is a creative production studio developing multimedia content for projection mappings, various shows, VJ, VR, AR, media exhibitions, and immersive experiences. They have collaborated with theaters, art galleries, immersive spaces, musicians and international festivals of light. Produce multimedia solutions for concerts, video clips, and scenography using projection mapping and video art. Their career is rooted in traditional art and theater, so they continue to utilize the techniques and skills gained from this professional background.​