Toni Mitjanit presents Dawn & Dusk


Helsinki City Museum
Toni Mitjanit
Toni Mitjanit was born in Spain in 1977. He is Bachelor in Computer Science in 2002 by Universitat de les Illes Balears, Ph-Degree in Computer Graphics on Internet in 2002 by FUEIB, Master in Multimedia Production & Creation in 2007 by UOC, Degree in Photography in 2010 by Escola Superior de Disseny de Palma. He works at the level of media, video art, computational art, generative design and experimental animation regularly since 2010.

He explores innovative audiovisual expressive ways through creative coding using data visualization, human/machine interaction, autonomous agents, physics and randomness. All his audiovisual creations are produced by coding his own software in different programming languages (Processing, Java, C++, SuperCollider, ChucK).

Dawn & Dusk (2023) is an abstract exploration of the temporal space between dawn and dusk and how the dual nature of light varies on a microscopic scale through the vibrations of photons, oscillations of electromagnetic waves, and refraction and reflexion light properties.

Through creative programming (Processing, Java, OSC, Chuck)  Dawn & Dusk (2023) uses experimentally color gradients (cosine gradients) in abstract geometric shapes that vary dynamically to the sound of generative music that is fed back by certain visual aspects.