Patryk Lichota presents Datafixation


Helsinki City Museum
Patryk Lichota
Patryk Lichota is a musician, composer, improviser, music producer and curator. He is an assistant professor at the Adam Mickiewicz Univeristy. He is a member of the Humanities, Art and Technology Research Centre. Author of music videos and visuals for concerts, theater performances, VR spaces, and AR applications. Creator of the experimental video game "Datafixation" presented at the Ars Electronica Festival 2022. Scholarship holder of the Visegrad Foundation at the National Tsing Hua in Taiwan. Creator of the BEELOCATION project using advanced sonification of movement. Creator of the MAY TOWN exhibition designed in virtual and augmented reality.  Author of the books: "Traditions of Noise in the Sound Art" and "Transpositions of Presence in media art - From Telekinesis to Telepresence".

The work concerns the ecological cost of speculation on the monetary system, the market of cryptocurrencies, artificial intelligence, NFTs, dataveillence and network infrastructures causes huge material costs leading to the re-gold-isation of money. Money, which was the seed of thinking about virtuality, in the 20th century completely moved away from being covered by material goods, becoming a pure imaginary game and an empty multiplication of capital. The toxic effect of the new means of production of digital money, revealed that it is composed of coal, oil and climate change, redefines the coverage, which is also a loss.