林淼 Sui presents Planes of Incidence


Helsinki City Museum
林淼 Sui
Planes of Incidence is a work that represents those who struggle to express themselves, finding it difficult to convey all their feelings accurately in one language. Through multilingual poetry, light and sound, it recreates the experience of words being understood, perceived, or sometimes misinterpreted and mistranslated, viewed from different perspectives of colour, angles, and speed in a conversation, presented in varied visual and sound textures.

The multilingual poetry is reassembled from texts originally written in different languages. The selected poetry lines express the sentiment of being in a foreign land. The space is designed for the audience to feel and observe the flow of thoughts.

林淼 Sui is a multidisciplinary Hong Kong artist who has been living and working in Sweden, the UK, and Latvia, moving back and forth across Europe. She is currently drifting between borders, seeking a home.

Sui focuses on translating words, music and poetry into visual languages, to reflect her process of rethinking identity, gender, home, and foreignness from existential, personal, social and political perspectives.