Dominik Ritszel presents The Body Dissolver


Helsinki City Museum
Dominik Ritszel
“The Body Dissolver” is based on interviews with professional boxers recalling the moment they were knocked out. The Film combines documentary and fictional elements into a dense parafiction, tinted with body horror genre. Unreal 3D animations generated by the artist are confronted with found footage and the images of human bodies with the representations of imaginary, hyperbolic machines. The storyline reveals the recurring fantasies about the abandonment of the body and the visions of ecstasy, exploited in various spiritual discourses and pop-culture alike.

Dominik Ritszel (b. in 1988) cinematographer, visual artist, film director. Working with film, video and multimedia, creating objects and installations. His art constitutes a critical reflection on issues related to power, institutions and mechanisms of exclusion.

B.A. Graphics graduate from Academy of Fine Arts (Katowice, 2013), doctoral degree (ASP Katowice, 2020). Since 2022 he has been working at the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice, where he runs the Experimental Film Studio.

Dominik Ritszel was awarded the Young European Artist Trieste Contemporanea Award (2015). The Prize Winner of the 14th Short Waves Festival (2022) and International Art Competition Photographic Memory (2019). Listed in Forbes magazine in category of Arts (2016).