Veera Neva & Arttu Nieminen present Juuret

AV Live

WHS Teatteri Union
Veera Neva, Arttu Nieminen
Veera Neva´s one-woman-orchestra builds a magical world with her voice, saxophone and electronic sounds – all combined with stunning live visuals by Arttu Nieminen. Neva combines ambient, electro-acoustic, polyphonic vocal music, cinematic and folk music gaining inspiration from nature and the constant movement of cosmos. The AV-concerts are its own dreamworld taking the audience on a hypnotic and enchanting journey to the Sacred Nature. Nieminen´s works have been featured in numerous festivals and art exhibitions in Finland and internationally. The tranquility of Lapland's nature, playful symmetry, sense of space, and the forces of nature are strongly present in his art. Nature appears to Nieminen as its own conscious entity, at times as a mysterious interface between the visible and the invisible.

The music of Veera Neva and the media art of Arttu Nieminen merge into an audiovisual spell that leads the audience on an enchanting journey to the wonder and sacredness of nature. The concert reaches back to the roots when we did not strive to be above nature, but rather a harmonious part of unity. The concert tunes into the frequency of a deep connection with nature and a mythical state of mind, where we merge into the network of all living things. The concert guides the audience towards grounding, expansion, and healing – to that state which whispers to us from times long past, always and again, when we quiet ourselves in the presence of nature and our deepest essence.
© Roosa Nevala