Trauma Responses presents That living thing

AV Live

WHS Teatteri Union
Johanna Sulalampi
Trauma Responses is Johanna Sulalampi's audiovisual art process. Its thematic focus is on beings that are living in the marginals of human driven societies and on human psychological experiences outside of everyday reality. Sulalampi works extensively with different materials, with sound as a starting point. Her sound art has been presented at the research pavilion of the Helsinki Biennale (2023) and her ambisonic compositions have been played at ORF Musikprotokoll, IEM Cube, Audio Mostly and the Opera Beyond conference (2022). Their commissioned works include contemporary music compositions for the Danish ensemble K!ART (2022) and the German ensemble Trio Abstrakt (2024).

<That Living Thing> considers how voices and spaces in society are human-centred and questions the ways in which many creatures are treated as lower organisms. The technology used in the production of the show has been harnessed to highlight macro- and micro-level actors. The work challenges to think about the dimensions of empathy by asking, can you take a shower with a spider?