Kalista present Gemini - Silence of the Fallen

AV Live

WHS Teatteri Union
Wilma Kurumaa, Anna Kuulusa, Klaara Haapanen, Laura Venäläinen, Jutta Häkkilä, Ella Kivelä
Kalista: Grim and gloomy, sci-fi driven AV-artist and phygital designer. Specialized in fashion, XR- and 3D design. Musically drawn to dark tunes of moombahton, footwork and techno. Deeply fascinated in the views of post-humanism and techno-utopianism in the midst of inevitable dystopia; channeling art as a reflection of futuristic mystique and cyber witchcraft.

The performance explores where human consciousness, death and our co-evolving machine intelligence intersect. A haunting meditation on the edge of transcendence and the liminal spaces where technology and spirituality intertwine. Driven by a fascination with the afterlife, it explores a new dawn of mortality. At the rim of life and death, the piece examines the loss of meaning and the transformation of identity in the age of technological singularity. Reflecting the dualism in our physical existence; what it means to live and die in a time where technology not only extends life, but also redefines it. Serving as a requiem for the human body and a celebration of a new, beautiful approach to death - A redefinition of a confrontation with the specters that haunt our digital era.